Friday, January 30, 2009

Hoot of Africa

Another awesome reader submission, Erica sent in this cute thing done by Ed Perdomo.

Hoot of Africa

Another awesome reader submission, Erica sent in this cute thing done by Ed Perdomo.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wherever I lay my Hoot


Wherever I lay my Hoot


Hoot Surgery

And another tattooist submission, this time from Tucson, Arizona's Ed Slocum.

Hoot Surgery

And another tattooist submission, this time from Tucson, Arizona's Ed Slocum.

Hoot In Mouth

Another reader submission, this one from Danny.

Hoot In Mouth

Another reader submission, this one from Danny.


Brave cos that one had to hurt....reader submission from Benny.


Brave cos that one had to hurt....reader submission from Benny.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

In The Hoot Seat

Vince Villalvazo

In The Hoot Seat

Vince Villalvazo

Hoot Off The Presses

Kolleen sent in this wicked owl-tline. Can't wait to see the finished piece!

Hoot Off The Presses

Kolleen sent in this wicked owl-tline. Can't wait to see the finished piece!

Hoot Fuss

Becca sent in this nice black & grey piece.

Hoot Fuss

Becca sent in this nice black & grey piece.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fahrenhoot 451

The final reader submission of the day comes from Kim, who was lucky enough to have Uncle Allan do this piece at the Evian Tattoo Show 2008.

Fahrenhoot 451

The final reader submission of the day comes from Kim, who was lucky enough to have Uncle Allan do this piece at the Evian Tattoo Show 2008.

The King of Hoots

This owl comes from 'Handsome Al', done by Doc Fell at Mikes Tattoos in Carlisle, UK.

The King of Hoots

This owl comes from 'Handsome Al', done by Doc Fell at Mikes Tattoos in Carlisle, UK.


Andi sent in this owltline, done by Kele Idol at Aerochild Tattoos in Birmingham, AL.


Andi sent in this owltline, done by Kele Idol at Aerochild Tattoos in Birmingham, AL.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Everybody Hoots

Lastly, Ashley sent in this ace black & grey owl, called Vinny, and done at Infinate Art.

Everybody Hoots

Lastly, Ashley sent in this ace black & grey owl, called Vinny, and done at Infinate Art.

In My Hoot There Rings A Melody

DJ Kopp sent this owl in, done by Mikey Sarratt in Arizona.

In My Hoot There Rings A Melody

DJ Kopp sent this owl in, done by Mikey Sarratt in Arizona.

Pops Hoot Stopped, In Came The Air Drop

A reader submission from the improbably monickered Gray Byrd.

Pops Hoot Stopped, In Came The Air Drop

A reader submission from the improbably monickered Gray Byrd.

Hoot Shot The Sheriff

Meg McNeil

Hoot Shot The Sheriff

Meg McNeil

Friday, January 16, 2009

HootOut At The OK Corral

Finally for today's submissions, Joe Glassford sent in his owl, done by artist Robert Ryan from Electric Tattoo, Bradley Beach, NJ.

HootOut At The OK Corral

Finally for today's submissions, Joe Glassford sent in his owl, done by artist Robert Ryan from Electric Tattoo, Bradley Beach, NJ.

Hoot Stroke

Leeza sent in this submission, and writes, 'This was done to symbolize me with my memaw who past away. She was really into owls. It was done by "Wicked Ink" in Clearwater,Fl. by an artist named Prix.'

Hoot Stroke

Leeza sent in this submission, and writes, 'This was done to symbolize me with my memaw who past away. She was really into owls. It was done by "Wicked Ink" in Clearwater,Fl. by an artist named Prix.'

If You Can't Take The Hoot, Get Out Of The Kitchen

Happy New Year! I've been on holiday and had a slew of owl submissions waiting for me in my inbox when i got back, so I'll be posting them in the days to come. This little fella was sent in by Megan, and done by Shane at Classic Tattoo in Las Vegas.

If You Can't Take The Hoot, Get Out Of The Kitchen

Happy New Year! I've been on holiday and had a slew of owl submissions waiting for me in my inbox when i got back, so I'll be posting them in the days to come. This little fella was sent in by Megan, and done by Shane at Classic Tattoo in Las Vegas.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

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